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Interview HSD campus tenant Compumatica

Interview HSD campus tenant Compumatica

Who is (the company) ?

Compumatica is a Dutch cyber security manufacturer specialized in crypto (network encryption, e-mail encryption) and network segmentation (firewall, Diode) and exists since 1991. The products have different security certifications from The Netherlands, European Union and NATO. All products (software & hardware) are build and developed in Europe. Most of our clients are governmental agencies, large enterprises and companies within the critical infrastructure like energy plants, airports and many more.


Where is the company specialized in?

We are specialized in encryption and network security.


What are fun projects that you’ve worked on?

Not allowed to share.


Why did you choose for the HSD Campus?

The HSD campus is located in The Hague where the government is situated and have created a fine eco system for the cybersecurity market.


What do you hope to get out of the HSD Campus?

A nice working area where you can meet existing and new people within the cybersecurity market.


What can you offer to the HSD Campus?

We can offer our knowledge in both the cybersecurity market and technical aspects like encryption.


What is a fun fact about the company?

Compumatica is situated in the smartest part of the world and brings this knowledge to the rest of the country ????.




HSD Campus
Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 104
2595 AN The Hague
The Netherlands

T: +31 (0)70-2045180
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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