My name is Maud Willigers and I am the new campus manager since last week. After a very nice and informative introduction by Yvonne, I am from now on the contact person for the HSD Campus. I will be there temporarily until we find someone suitable as permanent campus manager.
I grew up in Voorburg and live in the Hague. HSD location, which is at station laan van NOI, I can look to both of my favorite places to be! Some more facts about me, I am 23 years old, play field hockey in my spare time and don't shy away from a networking opportunity!
I am currently following a traineeship at HEYDAY Facility Management, to eventually become a consultant/interim, which is why I am happy to take on this challenge! My focus will be on community management and of course keeping the campus running. Do you have any great ideas for community management? Then I would love to hear about it!
I have already met many of the campus residents, but if you want to meet me. I am at the campus almost everyday (Wednesday and Friday afternoon off), feel free to drop by or talk to me when I walk around!
I am excited for this new adventure!